An Embedded Intelligence Model: Issues in the Real-World Empowered Organizational Computing

Ubiquitous computing will penetrate into the cooperate workplaces. Additions of machine-machine interfaces in the organizational computing pose new framework challenges as well as implementation and deployment issues. The simple monotonic-increase knowledge model does not work in a complicated workplace with many context boundaries. The author enhances issues in hybrid organizational computing to cope with the pervasive and ubiquitous intelligence in the workplaces. The author discusses various dualities exposed in the ubiquitous workplace like a) space vs. place and b) logical organization and real world. The ubiquitous workplace will pose more challenges for the organizational computing from the dualities. For the resolution of these issues, the author proposes and discusses an embedded intelligence model for organizational computing. This model facilitates the framework for the authoring tools for organizational learning systems to complement the dynamic learning contexts in workplaces.