Hindering factors of female participation in TVET in Nepal
This paper highlights the status of women in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and the five major factors hindering access of women to TVET which include: educational attainment, involvement in household work, male dominance, lack of access to information and financing. Based on the literature gathered, women's contribution to the socio economic development of the country is of equal levels compared to the males but their participation in TVET is not encouraging. It is also noted that the participation of women is high in the rural public technical schools compared to the urban technical schools. There is a high level of participation in the private technical schools, particularly in the health services sector. Meanwhile, the participation of women in vocational training is higher than in technical education. Women's access to TVET facilities are hampered due to illiteracy, more involvement in household work and lack of financial capability. The conventional perception towards women is a drawback in enhancing access of women in technical education and vocational training programs. Thus, measures to overcome these problems such as women-focused education programs in all levels must be pursued. The use of appropriate mediums and approaches to disseminate information about these programs, as well as the expansion of financial options must be explored.