The effect of the plastic potential in boundary value problems involving plane strain deformation

A large proportion of the constitutive models currently employed in Geomechanics are based on the theory of plasticity. Owing to the limitations of the data obtained from conventional testing equipment, arbitrary assumptions are often made about the behaviour of the material in generalized stress space. In this paper it is shown that the Lode angle of the stress state at failure in plane strain deformation is dependent on the shape adopted for the plastic potential. The influence of the shape of the plastic potential in the deviatoric plane on the predicted behaviour of two boundary value problems both prior to and at failure is then considered. In both cases a form of the Modified Cam Clay model is employed to describe the soil behaviour, and numerical predictions are obtained using a finite element computer code. For drained situations it is shown that the Lode angle of the stress state at failure has a dominating influence on the predicted behaviour. However, for undrained cases the effects are not so important as long as the correct undrained strength at failure is enforced.