The Efficiency and Ergonomics of Selected Different Data Entry Systems in Real-Time and Lapsed-Time Computer Notation Systems
Most professional sports teams or individuals use some form of video analysis through a computer and software packages. However there is little research into the efficiency of match analysis systems, furthermore, the areas of humancomputer interaction and artificial intelligence in match analysis systems have also been neglected. This paper therefore investigates the efficiency and ergonomics of selected squash match analysis systems. The three systems analysed were Focus X2 manual system using a mouse, Focus X2 Voice Interactive system and the SWEAT (Murray and Hughes, 2001) system using keyboard data entry. The systems were analysed, Nmatches=4 each, in real time match analysis and lapsed time. The study investigated data inputs per minute and analysis time, in lapsed time analysis. Whereas in real time analysis the paper examined the analysis times, errors made, error corrections, error correction times and total analysis time. A percentage difference calculation was used to perform an intra-operator reliability investigation in real time analysis and lapsed time analysis, overall highest errors being 3.9%, which were deemed satisfactory. It was found that the Focus X2 manual system was the most efficient in both lapsed time and real time analysis, further research should include an analysis of the movements and energy expended in human computer interaction.