Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Language Technology for Closely Related Languages, Varieties and Dialects

We present the results of the 2nd edition of the Discriminating between Similar Languages (DSL) shared task, which was organized as part of the LT4VarDial’2015 workshop and focused on the identification of very similar languages and language varieties. Unlike in the 2014 edition, in 2015 we had an Others category with languages that were not seen on training. Moreover, we had two test datasets: one using the original texts (test set A), and one with named entities replaced by placeholders (test set B). Ten teams participated in the task, and the best-performing system achieved 95.54% average accuracy on test set A, and 94.01% on test set B.

[1]  Paolo Rosso,et al.  Language Variety Identification Using Distributed Representations of Words and Documents , 2015, CLEF.

[2]  Paolo Rosso,et al.  On the Multilingual and Genre Robustness of EmoGraphs for Author Profiling in Social Media , 2015, CLEF.

[3]  Preslav Nakov,et al.  Overview of the DSL Shared Task 2015 , 2015 .

[4]  Joel R. Tetreault,et al.  Oracle and Human Baselines for Native Language Identification , 2015, BEA@NAACL-HLT.

[5]  Shervin Malmasi,et al.  Measuring Feature Diversity in Native Language Identification , 2015, BEA@NAACL-HLT.

[6]  Shervin Malmasi,et al.  Arabic Dialect Identification Using a Parallel Multidialectal Corpus , 2015, PACLING.

[7]  Krister Lindén,et al.  Language Set Identification in Noisy Synthetic Multilingual Documents , 2015, CICLing.

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[9]  Theerawat Songyot,et al.  Improving Word Alignment using Word Similarity , 2014, EMNLP.

[10]  José-Luis Sancho-Gómez,et al.  Using Maximum Entropy Models to Discriminate between Similar Languages and Varieties , 2014, VarDial@COLING.

[11]  Fatiha Sadat,et al.  Automatic Identification of Arabic Language Varieties and Dialects in Social Media , 2014, SocialNLP@COLING.

[12]  Jörg Tiedemann,et al.  A Report on the DSL Shared Task 2014 , 2014, VarDial@COLING.

[13]  Timothy Baldwin,et al.  Exploring Methods and Resources for Discriminating Similar Languages , 2014, VarDial@COLING.

[14]  Marine Carpuat,et al.  The NRC System for Discriminating Similar Languages , 2014, VarDial@COLING.

[15]  Matthew Purver,et al.  A Simple Baseline for Discriminating Similar Languages , 2014, VarDial@COLING.

[16]  Dragomir R. Radev,et al.  Experiments in Sentence Language Identification with Groups of Similar Languages , 2014, VarDial@COLING.

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[25]  Mona T. Diab,et al.  Sentence Level Dialect Identification in Arabic , 2013, ACL.

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[27]  Yuji Matsumoto,et al.  Hidden Markov Tree Model for Word Alignment , 2013, WMT@ACL.

[28]  Mona T. Diab,et al.  Code Switch Point Detection in Arabic , 2013, NLDB.

[29]  Peter Wittenburg,et al.  Improving Native Language Identification with TF-IDF Weighting , 2013, BEA@NAACL-HLT.

[30]  Marine Carpuat,et al.  Feature Space Selection and Combination for Native Language Identification , 2013, BEA@NAACL-HLT.

[31]  Joel R. Tetreault,et al.  A Report on the First Native Language Identification Shared Task , 2013, BEA@NAACL-HLT.

[32]  Marcos Zampieri,et al.  N-gram Language Models and POS Distribution for the Identification of Spanish Varieties (Ngrammes et Traits Morphosyntaxiques pour la Identification de Variétés de l’Espagnol) [in French] , 2013, JEP/TALN/RECITAL.

[33]  Shervin Malmasi,et al.  NLI Shared Task 2013: MQ Submission , 2013, BEA@NAACL-HLT.

[34]  Wouter Weerkamp,et al.  Microblog language identification: overcoming the limitations of short, unedited and idiomatic text , 2012, Language Resources and Evaluation.

[35]  Jörg Tiedemann,et al.  Efficient Discrimination Between Closely Related Languages , 2012, COLING.

[36]  Marcos Zampieri,et al.  Automatic identification of language varieties: The case of Portuguese , 2012, KONVENS.

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