Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling Using SPSS and AMOS. Niels J. Blunch. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2008, 270 pages, $39.95.
Niels Blunch uses an example-driven approach in this book intended as a nonmathematical first course in structural equation modeling (SEM) geared toward social and behavioral science students. In addition to SEM concepts and methods, the book covers important related topics such as psychometrics and the issue of drawing conclusions about causal relationships using nonexperimental data. AMOS 16 is the software used to run the SEM models and SPSS is used to run related statistics. Instruction is provided on how to program the software, interpret output, and evaluate and compare models. Appendices contain a review of the statistical prerequisites and an introduction to the use of the AMOS’ graphic interface. A companion Web site on the Sage UK Web site includes the data sets used in the book (