Effect of iron and zinc on quality and nutrient uptake of French bean in iron and zinc deficient inceptisol soil

A field experiment was conducted at National Agriculture Research Project, Ganeshkhind, Pune (M. S.) on french bean (cv. Phule Suyash) to study the effect of iron and zinc on quality and nutrient uptake of french bean on iron and zinc deficient Inceptisol with eleven treatments and three replications. Among the various treatments the application of GRDF + soil application of FeSO4 @ 15 kg ha-1 + ZnSO4 @ 10 kg ha-1 significantly increased quality parameters viz. total chlorophyll, protein content and nutrient uptake by french bean. It was closely followed by GRDF + three foliar sprays of each chelated iron + chelated zinc @ 0.2 % at 25, 40 and 55 days after sowing.