Workplace Evaluation of a Disposable Respirator in a Dusty Environment

Abstract Industrial hygiene sampling for total airborne particulate during the manufacture of a concrete patching compound revealed concentration estimates which exceeded the ACGIH TLV of 10 mg/m3. These results led to recommendations for the implementation of improved engineering controls and the initiation of a respiratory protection program on an interim basis. The 3M 9910 disposable respirator was selected for use based upon a knowledge of existing total dust concentrations and a review of assigned protection factors for the various classes of respiratory protective devices. A follow-up evaluation by NIOSH investigators revealed that use of 3M 9910 respirators reduced total dust exposures to levels considered to be acceptable, but that the assigned protection factor derived from a set of workplace protection factors was less than anticipated. The results of this study suggest the need for inmask sampling after the implementation of respiratory protection to ensure, in a direct manner, that the particu...