Psychoacoustics triggering the soundscape standardization

Before the start of COST Action TD0804 (network on soundscape of European cities and landscapes) in 2009, the Working Group 54 of ISO/TC 43/SC 1 was established to start consideration of a standardized protocol for assessment of soundscape. The progress is slow since many different protocols are available, which make it difficult to define a harmonized protocol reflecting diverse requirements. No protocol covers all needs, which is characteristic in research dealing with quality of life, where space, social and built environment and culture are often very different. Unfortunately, there is still a lack of open-mindedness to use new soundscape techniques, e.g., in noise action plans and for the protection of quiet areas. The situation differs, however, broadly from country to country. The Working Group 54 of ISO/TC 43/SC 1 works on reaching consensus to provide the necessary stimulus for further worldwide progress. Currently, the ISO WG 54 is working on measurement procedures and techniques that will trigger the procedures in soundscape research. Psychoacoustics and explorative interviews play a major role, and the triangulation of the respective data is offering consolidated findings. This paper will present related techniques and will discuss their advantages.