A Pilot Study of In-hole Seismic Method

Over the past half century, borehole seismic surveys have been diversified into the three techniques such as crosshole, downhole, and suspension logging according to their devices and testing configurations. These field techniques have been improved, in terms of equipment and testing procedures, and are very valuable in the evaluation of ground characteristics for geotechnical and earthquake engineering problems. Yet, despite the importance and significance of the techniques as engineering tools, the techniques are not much used as standard penetration test (SPT) by practicing engineers. The possible explanations are cost and operational difficulties of the surveys as well as sophistication and complexity of the devices. An in-hole seismic method has been developed to meet the requirement of economical testing cost and practicality in engineering practice to measure dynamic soil properties. The prototype in-hole probe developed herein is small and light enough to be fit in three-inch boreholes and to be handled with bare hands. The performance of the source has been evaluated through extensive crosshole tests at various sites. The in-hole seismic method was adopted at three test sites and verified by comparing with crosshole results.