During a 7-year period, failure of omasal transport attributable to a perireticular abscess was diagnosed in 29 cows. Affected cattle were examined because of anorexia, hypogalactia, and bilateral abdominal distention. The cows were all female Holsteins, 15 months to 10 years old. The abscess was identified during exploratory celiotomy and rumenotomy or at necropsy. Traumatic reticuloperitonitis was believed to be the cause. Twenty-seven cattle (93%) were treated surgically. The abscess was drained into the reticulum or omasum in 25 cows (86%). Twenty-four cows (83%) survived to the time of discharge from the hospital, and 20 (69%) survived for at least 1 year and became productive members of the herd. This is a better survival rate than that reported for other causes of vagal indigestion.