Flood and Coastal Zone Monitoring in Bangladesh with Radarsat ScanSAR: Technical Experience and Institutional Challenges

n Bangladesh, river floods, monsoon rains, and tropical cyclones are an integral part of the annual hydrological cycle, regularly affecting the livelihood and well-being of more than 100 million people. During years of severe flooding, for example in 1987, 1988, and 1998, the country was transformed by intermittent inland seas that occupied as much as 60% of its land surface. Wide swath synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data acquired by the Canadian Radarsat have shown considerable potential as a monitoring tool, particularly during the monsoon season, to assess flood extent and damage, as well as flood impact on agricultural production, fisheries resources, and navigation. For Bangladesh to fully reap the benefits of wide swath SAR for flood monitoring and coastal zone management, good institutional relations among the scientists, donor agencies, and the government of Bangladesh are critical. (Keywords: Bangladesh, Flood monitoring, Radarsat ScanSAR.)