Multi-Objective Optimal Placement of Automatic Line Switches in Power Distribution Networks

The installation of automatic line switches in distribution networks provides major benefits to the reliability of power distribution systems. However, it involves an increased investment cost. For distribution utilities, obtaining a high level of reliability while minimizing investment costs constitutes an optimization problem. In order to solve this problem, the present paper introduces a computational procedure based on Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II). The proposed methodology is able to obtain a set of optimal trade-off solutions identifying the number and placement of automatic switches in distribution networks for which we can obtain the most reliability benefit out of the utility investment. To determine the effectiveness of the procedure, an actual power distribution system was considered as an example. The system belongs to Taiwan Power Company, and it was selected to drive comparisons with a previous study. The result indicates improvements in system reliability indices due to the addition of automatic switching devices in a distribution network, and demonstrates the present methodology satisfies the system requirements in a better way than the mentioned previous study.