Design and Evaluation of an Open Traffic/Bicycle Bridge Railing System

Two Open Traffic/Bicycle Bridge Railing Systems were designed and tested for use on a rigid, single-slope, concrete barrier. The test installations consisted of 36.3 m (119 ft - 2 7/8 in.) of the railing mounted to a 36.58-m (120-ft) long section of standard single-slope concrete barrier. For each system, one full-scale crash test was conducted and reported in accordance with the requirements set forth in the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report No. 350, "Recommended Procedures for the Safety Performance Evaluation of Highway Features". The first test consisted of a 2,015-kg (4,442-lb) 1998 GMC C2500 pickup truck impacting at an angle of 25.6 degrees and at a speed of 101.5 km/h (63.1 mph). The pickup snagged on the longitudinal rails during climb and eventually rolled, resulting in test failure. For the second test, modifications were made to the system in an attempt to reduce vehicle penetration and prevent rolling. The second test was also conducted with a 1998 GMC C2500 pickup truck. The pickup weighed 2,029 kg (4,473 lbs), and impacted the system at an angle of 25.6 degrees and at a speed of 102.7 km/h (63.8 mph). Once again, the pickup snagged as it climbed the barrier, resulting in vehicle roll and unsatisfactory results.