Bartholin's GlandAbscess CausedbyNeisseria sicca
Humaninfection bythegenusNeisseria islargely limited tobacterial meningitis andgonorrhea. Avariety ofnonpathogenicneisseriae are common commensals oftheupper respiratory tractandareonlyrarely implicated aspathogens. We recently encountered Neisseria sicca as a cause of Bartholin's gland abscess. A 27-year-old female was hospitalized forpainandswellingintheleft vulvar region. Theprior gynecologic history was limited tospontaneousabortion in1985andsuccessful medical therapy fora left Bartholin's gland abscess in1986. Thepatient was notknowntobeimmunosuppressed. A recurrent left Bartholin's glandabscess was identified and drained undercaudalanesthesia (8), andthepatient was treated withoralcephalexin, 500mg fourtimes a day.She was wellatthe6-month follow-up examination. A Gramstain ofsurgical drainage material revealed large numbersofpolymorphonuclear leukocytes andgram-negativediplococci. Abundant growthofdryandoxidase- and catalase-positive colonies was noted on chocolate agar(Hy Laboratories, Rehovot, Israel) after incubation for24hin 5%C02at35°C. Theisolate was subsequently foundtogrow wellinnutrient agar(Difco Laboratories, Detroit, Mich.) at 35°Candinsheepbloodagar(HyLaboratories) at22°C. Glucose, maltose, sucrose,andfructose (butnotlactose) were degraded incystine-tryptic digest agar(Difco). Gaswas produced from0.1%KNO2 inheartinfusion broth(Difco) witha Durhamtube. Theisolate was DNasenegative and failed toreactwitha DNA probe(Ortho Diagnostics, Raritan,N.J.) andmonoclonal antibody (Pharmacia Diagnostics, Piscataway, N.J.) specific forNeisseria gonorrhoeae. Antimicrobial susceptibility was nottested. Bothofour laboratories independently identified theorganism asN.sicca (6). When theinitial Gram stainofsurgical material was
[1] A. Jaffa,et al. Fistulization: An Effective Treatment for Bartholin's Abscesses and Cysts , 1987, Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica.
[2] J. Brem,et al. Acute meningitis caused by Neisseria sicca. , 1948, The New England journal of medicine.
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