On easily tunable wide-bandpass X-ray monochromators based on refraction in arrays of prisms.

Refractive lenses focus X-rays chromatically owing to a significant variation of the refractive index of the lens material with photon energy. Then, in combination with an exit slit in the focal plane, such lenses can be used as monochromators. The spectral resolution obtainable with refractive lenses based on prism arrays was recently systematically investigated experimentally. This contribution will show that a wide-bandpass performance can be predicted with a rather simple analytical approach. Based on the good agreement with the experimental data, one can then more rapidly and systematically optimize the lens structure for a given application. This contribution will then discuss more flexible solutions for the monochromator operation. It will be shown that a new monochromator scheme could easily provide tuning in a fixed-exit slit.