Two recent computational models of legal argumentation, by Verheij and Gordon respectively, have interpreted critical questions as premises of arguments that can be defeated using Pollock’s concepts of undercutters and rebuttals. Using the scheme for arguments from expert opinion as an example, this paper evaluates and compares these two models of critical questions from the perspective of argumentation theory and competing legal theories about proof standards for defeating presumptions. The applicable proof standard is found to be a legal issue subject to argument. Verheij’s model is shown to have problems because the proof standards it applies to different kinds of premises are “hardwired” into the system. Gordon’s model overcomes these problems by allowing different proof standards to be assigned to each issue and by supporting arguments about proof standards within the same framework. These differences are minor however compared to the insight gained from these models jointly about the theory of argument schemes and critical questions. They show how schemes can be used to implement tools for constructing arguments, and not just for classifying arguments ex post facto, and help clarify how critical questions confound declarative knowledge about conditions for using argument schemes with procedural knowledge about how to evaluate and criticize arguments made using these schemes.
Henry Prakken,et al.
Towards a Formal Account of Reasoning about Evidence: Argumentation Schemes and Generalisations
Artificial Intelligence and Law.
Henry Prakken,et al.
Chris and Douglas Walton,'towards a formal account of reasoning about evidence: Argumentation schemes and generalizations'
Henry Prakken,et al.
Argumentation schemes and generalisations in reasoning about evidence
Bart Verheij,et al.
Dialectical Argumentation with Argumentation Schemes: An Approach to Legal Logic
Artificial Intelligence and Law.
John L. Pollock,et al.
Defeasible Reasoning
Synthese Library.
Douglas Walton,et al.
Argument Structure: A Pragmatic Theory
Douglas Walton,et al.
Appeal to Expert Opinion: Arguments from Authority
Henry Prakken,et al.
From logic to dialectics in legal argument
ICAIL '95.
Chris Reed,et al.
Araucaria: Marking up argument
Alex Stein.
Evidence Law: What is it For?