On the 40th Anniversary of the Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Scientific Session of the Physical Sciences Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 8 October 2008)

A scientific session of the Physical Sciences Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Institute of Spectroscopy, RAS (ISAN) was held at ISAN on 8 October 2008. The following reports were presented at the session: (1) Balykin V I (ISAN) "Atom optics and nanotechnology"'; (2) Ryabtsev A N, Churilov S S (ISAN) "Spectroscopy of ionized atoms for astrophysics and nanotechnology"; (3) Lozovik Yu E (ISAN) "Strong correlations and new phases in a system of excitons and polaritons. A polariton laser"; (4) Vinogradov E A, Mavrin B N, Novikova N N, Yakovlev V A (ISAN) "Inverted optical phonons in ion-covalent crystals"; (5) Mal'shukov A G "Spin transport in semiconductor microstructures"; (6) Dumesh B S, Potapov A V, Surin L A (ISAN) "Spectroscopy of small helium clusters and 'nanoscopic' superfluidity: HeN – CO, N = 2 – 20..."; (7) Naumov A V, Vainer Yu G (ISAN) "Single molecules as spectral nanoprobes for the diagnostics of dynamic processes in solid media"; (8) Kompanets O N (ISAN), Yevdokimov Yu M (Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, RAS) "Optical biosensors of genotoxicants based on DNA nanoconstructions and portable dichrometer." A brief presentation of these reports, with the exception of report 5, is given below. • Atom optics and nanotechnology, Physics-Uspekhi, 2009, Volume 52, Number 3, Pages 275–282 • Spectroscopy of ionized atoms for astrophysics and nanotechnology, Physics-Uspekhi, 2009, Volume 52, Number 3, Pages 282–286 • Strong correlations and new phases in a system of excitons and polaritons. A polariton laser, Physics-Uspekhi, 2009, Volume 52, Number 3, Pages 286–290 • Inverted optical phonons in ion-covalent crystals, Physics-Uspekhi, 2009, Volume 52, Number 3, Pages 290–293 • Spectroscopy of small helium clusters and 'nanoscopic' superfluidity: HeN – CO, N = 2 – 20..., Physics-Uspekhi, 2009, Volume 52, Number 3, Pages 294–298 • Single molecules as spectral nanoprobes for the diagnostics of dynamic processes in solid media, Physics-Uspekhi, 2009, Volume 52, Number 3, Pages 298–304 • Optical biosensors of genotoxicants based on DNA nanoconstructions and portable dichrometer., Physics-Uspekhi, 2009, Volume 52, Number 3, Pages 304–309