Behavioral Macromodeling ofAnalog LSI Implementation forAutomobile Intake System
Accurately estimating ormeasuring intake manifold Compreso iteroeThrottle Interole Valve absolute pressure plays animportant role inautomobile engine control. Inordertoachieve thereal-time estimation ofthe absolute pressure, thehigh accuracy andhigh speed processingAir ability iscommonly required fortheautomobile engine control -- system. However, theconventional numerical methodscannot satisfy therequirement ofthestrict timeneeded byhighspeed automobile engine. Therefore, inthispaper, an analogLSI _ methodisproposed toestimate this pressure inreal time. Further- more,anovel behavioral macromodel isgiven forfurther analog LSIdesign. Compared withconventional numerical method, the Fig. 1.Theengine intake system. proposed methodishighly advantageous inspeed tosimulate the automobile engine intake system.