Improved correlation of daily and hourly diffuse radiation with global radiation for Indian stations

Abstract Several existing correlations between ratio of monthly mean daily global to extraterrestrial radiation K T, and daily diffuse to global radiation, D / G , were tried for four Indian stations and found inadequate. New correlations were established for these stations and it was shown that these correlations are highly climate dependent. The classical equation of Liu and Jordan [Solar Energy 4, 19 (1960)]: δ= π 24 cos ω−cosω S SIN ω S −ωcosω S was tried to find hourly diffuse and global radiation from daily sums of diffuse and global radiation, respectively. It was suitably modified to suit the Indian data. Equations developed by Collares-Pereira and Rabl [Solar Energy 4, 155 (1979)] have shown excellent agreement with the observed values.