Learning Deep Generative Models With Discrete Latent Variables

There have been numerous recent advancements on learning deep generative models with latent variables thanks to the reparameterization trick that allows to train deep directed models effectively. However, since reparameterization trick only works on continuous variables, deep generative models with discrete latent variables still remain hard to train and perform considerably worse than their continuous counterparts. In this paper, we attempt to shrink this gap by introducing a new architecture and its learning procedure. We develop a hybrid generative model with binary latent variables that consists of an undirected graphical model and a deep neural network. We propose an efficient two-stage pretraining and training procedure that is crucial for learning these models. Experiments on binarized digits and images of natural scenes demonstrate that our model achieves close to the state-of-the-art performance in terms of density estimation and is capable of generating coherent images of natural scenes.

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