6 On Relating Event-Related Potential Components to Stages of Information Processing*

Publisher Summary The successful-attempt to relate event-related potential (ERP) components to specific stages of information processing would provide a means of understanding some aspects of the ways in which the brain works, as well as yield data relevant to the theories of cognitive processing that have been based on behavioral observations. The ERP and behavioral sources of data both have inherent limitations, but taken together they might allow for converging operations to test theories common to both areas. This chapter describes recent experimental results obtained in laboratory on two ERP components thatmay reflect two stages of processing—namely, pattern recognition and stimulus categorization. Although RT data were obtained, the manner by which stages were identified was different than in behavioral studies. The first step was to identify a class of variables that affect the amplitude or latency of a particular component, or complex of components, and on the basis of the nature of the variables infer the functional significance of the associated physiological activity.