Voltage distortion in distribution feeders with nonlinear loads - Discussion

The voltage of three real-life 13.8 kV feeders supplying customers with nonlinear loads was analyzed by means of computer simulations. Three classes of nonlinear loads were considered. Each class is characteristic for different types of AC to DC converters such as the input DC supply used for adjustable-speed-drives, battery chargers, PCs, TVs and electronically ballasted lights. The analysis is based on the determination of the most harmonic susceptible busses and their response to each harmonic frequency. A new expeditive method that takes into account the background harmonic voltage phasor, and an equivalent bus impedance was developed and used to compute the maximum nonlinear loads that yields VTHD=5%, (voltage total harmonic distortion). The main conclusion of this work is that when mitigation methods are not used, for a 15 kV class feeder with a maximum 10 MVA installed load, the total nonlinear residential load should not exceed 300 kW if the ITHD 100%. >