Infrared spectroscopic remote sensing from the Cassini orbiter

An infrared spectroscopy instrument for infrared remote sensing from the Cassini orbiter is being breadboarded in the laboratory. The Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) consists of a pair of Fourier Transform Spectrometers (FTS) which together cover the range from 10 - 1400/cm with a spectral resolution up to 0.5/cm. The far-infrared FTS is a polarizing interferometer covering the 10 - 300/cm range. The mid-infrared FTS is a conventional Michelson FTS covering 200 - 1400/cm in three spectral channels. CIRS will retrieve information on the atmospheres of Titan and Saturn with good vertical resolution, from deep in their tropospheres to high in their stratospheres, and into the upper few centimeters of the regoliths of icy objects. The science objectives and design of CIRS are discussed.