Summarizing Search Results using PLSI

In this paper, we investigate generating a set of query-focused summaries from search results. Since there may be many topics related to a given query in the search results, in order to summarize these results, they should first be classified into topics, and then each topic should be summarized individually. In this summarization process, two types of redundancies need to be reduced. First, each topic summary should not contain any redundancy (we refer to this problem as redundancy within a summary). Second, a topic summary should not be similar to any other topic summary (we refer to this problem as redundancy between summaries). In this paper, we focus on the document clustering process and the reduction of redundancy between summaries in the summarization process. We also propose a method using PLSI to summarize search results. Evaluation results confirm that our method performs well in classifying search results and reducing the redundancy between summaries.

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