Diversity of siderophore-mediated iron uptake systems in fluorescent pseudomonads: not only pyoverdines.

Fluorescent pseudomonads are gamma-proteobacteria known for their capacity to colonize various ecological niches. This adaptability is reflected by their sophisticated and diverse iron uptake systems. The majority of fluorescent pseudomonads produce complex peptidic siderophores called pyoverdines or pseudobactins, which are very efficient iron scavengers. A tremendous variety of pyoverdines has been observed, each species producing a different pyoverdine. This variety can be used as an interesting tool to study the diversity and taxonomy of fluorescent pseudomonads. Other siderophores, including newly described ones, are also produced by pseudomonads, sometimes endowed with interesting properties in addition to iron scavenging, such as formation of complexes with other metals or antimicrobial activity. Factors other than iron limitation, and different regulatory proteins also seem to influence the production of siderophores in pseudomonads and are reviewed here as well. Another peculiarity of pseudomonads is their ability to use a large number of heterologous siderophores via different TonB-dependent receptors. A first genomic analysis of receptors in four different fluorescent pseudomonads suggests that their siderophore ligand repertoire is likely to overlap, and that not all receptors recognize siderophores as ligands.

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