Biomonitoring-Untersuchung bei Personen in Wohngebieten mit erhöhten Bodenwerten an Quecksilber, Arsen und Antimon
Part of the northern Palatinate region in Germany is characterised by elevated levels of mercury, arsenic and antimony in the soil due to the presence of ore sources and former mercury mining activities. In a biomonitoring study, roughly 200 residents of this region were investigated for a putative increased absorption of these elements. Urine and scalp hair samples were examined. The results did not show a correlation between the mercury and antimony contents in the soil of the housing area and those in urine and hair. On the other hand, slightly but presumably non-hazardous, elevated arsenic contents in urine and scalp hair could be correlated to an increased arsenic content in the soil. According to multiple regression analysis this increase also correlated with the consumption of poultry, eggs and vegetables kept and cultivated respectively in grounds contaminated with arsenic. In urine, sex differences could be seen for antimony: male probands showing significantly higher mean urinary antimony levels than female probands. Urinary mercury contents were correlated with the amalgam area. Similarly, scalp hair of men contained significantly higher levels of arsenic and antimony in comparison to women. Mercury contents in scalp hair were correlated with the consumption of seafood. Children aged 2 to 6 years had significantly lower levels of mercury, arsenic and antimony in urine than the adult subjects. Thus, an elevated health hazard to these children by e.g. intake of contaminated soil is not expected.