Design of an implantable CPW fed dual dipole antenna for dual band biomedical applications

An implantable Coplanar Waveguide (CPW) fed dipole antenna operates in the Industrial, Scientific Medical (ISM) band and Wireless Medical Telemetry Services (WMTS) band for biomedical applications. The proposed implanted antenna is made compatible for implantation by embedding it in an alumina ceramic substrate. The proposed antenna was simulated using the method of moment's software IE3D by assuming the predetermined dielectric constant for the human body muscle, fat and skin tissues, and the parameters of an implantable antennas such as return loss, radiation pattern and Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) with human body phantom liquid are plotted and it is verified with simulated results. The proposed antenna shows the lower return loss, perfect impedance matching and high gain as compared to other implanted antennas. The experiments permitted to identifying the most efficient tissue placements, and proposing some quantitative and general guidelines useful to characterise and design this kind of new system.

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