The Utilization of Web Services to Increase the Benefit of E-Business Activity: Case of Online Bookstore

In recent years, Web services have gained speedy development since it has gotten great support from many organizations and enterprises, which proposed and figured out lots of technologies and standards that related to Web services and vigorously promoted them in industry application. Therefore, many terms have been coined to represent the electronic concepts and applications such as e-Business and e-Commerce. This paper is conducted to look into Web services technology can be imported into the e-commercial system to help us design an online bookstore application. The objectives of the study is to modify the Web services to gives the best solution to these issues for its advantages including open standard protocols, high integration, loosely coupled and nice encapsulated. In accordance with a novel e-business application system structure, this study describes the dynamic online bookstore application based on Web services and shows its Web service interfaces and application scheme.