Decision‐making by the immune response

Decisions by uncommitted cells to differentiate down one lineage pathway or another is fundamental to developmental biology. In the immune system, lymphocyte precursors commit to T‐ or B‐cell lineages and T‐cell precursors to CD4 or CD8 independently of foreign antigen. T and B cells must also decide whether or not to respond to antigen and when a response is initiated, what sort of response to make such as the type of antibody, CD4 or CD8, and CD4 Th1 or Th2. The two basic mechanisms for these decision‐making processes are selection and instruction. Selection depends on prior stochastic production of precommitted cells, which are then selected to respond by an appropriate signal; for example, CD8 and CD4 responses selected by peptide presented in association with major histocompatibility complex class I or II. In contrast, instruction occurs when an uncommitted precursor embarks upon a differentiation pathway in response to a particular set of signals; for example, Th1 and Th2 lineage commitment. In this paper, the signals that determine Th1 and Th2 differentiation are examined with a mathematical model and shown to act as a bistable switch permitting either Tbet or Gata3 to be expressed in an individual cell but not both. The model is used to show how the Tbet Gata3 network within an individual cell interacts with cytokine signals between cells and suggests how Th1 and Th2 lineage commitment can become irreversible. These considerations provide an example of how mathematical models can be used to gain a better understanding of lymphocyte differentiation in an immune response.

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