Vehicle Detection and Tracking using Billboard Sweep Stereo Matching Algorithm

In this paper, we propose a highly precise vehicle detection method with low false alarm using billboard sweep stereo matching and multi-stage hypothesis generation. First, we capture stereo images from cameras established in front of the vehicle and obtain the disparity map in which the regions of ground plane or background are removed using billboard sweep stereo matching algorithm. And then, we perform the vehicle detection and tracking on the labeled disparity map. The vehicle detection and tracking consists of three steps. In the learning step, the SVM(support vector machine) classifier is obtained using the features extracted from the gabor filter. The second step is the vehicle detection which performs the sobel edge detection in the image of the left camera and extracts candidates of the vehicle using edge image and billboard sweep stereo disparity map. The final step is the vehicle tracking using template matching in the next frame. Removal process of the tracking regions improves the system performance in the candidate region of the vehicle on the succeeding frames.

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