Model the P2P Attack in Computer Networks

To analyze the distributed attack actions in computer networks, different models are discussed. Firstly, the Hybrid P2P, Pure P2P and S uper P2P structures of attack are presented. The, the broadcast mechanisms of e very structure are introduced. The attack methods mainly focus on the index poisoning and routing table poisoning on the general nodes and access point. By the presented model, high attack flexibility, no single point of failure, high freedom may be achieved. It is difficult to cluster, identify th e attack traffic and trace the attacker. S o, security researchers of computer networks should catch the attention of P 2P attacks. of attacking both the resource providers and users, and can make full use of the attack resources. Therefore, P2P attack network can provide a good distributed attack platform for the attacker for parallel imp lementation of a variety of attack missions. The establishment of P2P mu lti-node coordinated attack model needs to solve three problems, namely link configuration, broadcast mechanism and attack methods, wherein, the lin k configuration means the determination of the relationship among all attack nodes in accordance with certain rules to form an overlay network; broadcast mechanism refers to rapid receipt and transfer of data, instructions and various types of attack information among the attack nodes; and attack methods refer to effective attack to target networks by making use of the features of P2P structure. A. Link configuration