Physical and mechanical properties of cardboard panels made from used beverage carton with veneer overlay

Abstract This study evaluated some of the important properties of the cardboard substrate panels overlaid with beech veneer. The experimental cardboards from recycled food and beverage carton containers having approximately 75% paperboard, 20% low density polyethylene (LDPE), and 5% aluminum foil were overlaid using four types of adhesives; polyurethane, phenol–formaldehyde, urea–formaldehyde, and melamine–urea formaldehyde. The cardboard specimens overlaid with veneer using polyurethane adhesive had better mechanical properties and water resistance than those of the specimens made with other three types of adhesives. Based on the findings of this study, composite cardboards overlaid with veneers could be considered as an alternative raw material with accepted properties to be used in furniture applications such as counter tops, flooring, and kitchen cabinets.