AGraphical UserInteraction ModelforIntegrating Complex Clinical Applications: APilot Study

ABSTRACTWe have developed and implemented a multi-faceted, graphicaluserinteraction modelfor an advanced clinical information system. Thispaper describes a classification scheme for applications usedby clinicians in their dailywork, discusses the way clinicians interact with these applications, andthe issues that arise during these userinteractions. Through its emphasis on support forapplication interoperation, the graphical user interface that implements the modelpresents a single, consistent,context to the user, and thereby helps maintain patient safety andensureease of use.INTRODUCTIONThe practice of medicine is complex. At any point in time, the clinician maybe forced to change his attentionfrom managing one task to another or even from onepatient to another. Any clinical computing environment developed must facilitate switching between disparate data gathering, analysis, synthesis and documentation tasks. To complete a single work task, a clinician mayneed to perform several of these