Jitter analysis of high speed sampling systems
1.Introductlon Recent LSI technology advances have resulted in major improvements in electronics. For A-to-D converters. particularly. not only a very high precision over 90 dB [I] but also an ultra high speed of 2 GHz for 6bit [2] have already been achieved. Accuracy and speed limitations of the converters are obviously important. Jitter problems are thought to be the principle limiting factors on the accuracy and speed of the converter. In this paper, our research penaining to these problems will be presented. First, a jitter generation model far a practical sampling system. including signal and clock generator jitter. will be proposed. Based on this model. a precision jitter measurement method is shown. which also enables each jitter component to be separated. Finally. accuracy and speed limitations of the converter will be discussed. and it will also be shown that effective band-width compro-ation between jitter reduction and operating speed are important for more advanced converter design.