Urban Commuter Traffic Carbon Emission Model Based on Life Cycle

From the perspective of the life cycle, this paper studied the carbon emissions of urban commuter traffic and their factors. It puts forth the calculation method of commuter traffic carbon emissions based on life cycle. Then, relying on the survey data of Xi'an City and the life cycle research at home and abroad, the authors calculated the urban commuter traffic carbon emission of respondents. Finally, the authors applied SPSS software in a multiple linear regression and established an urban commuter traffic carbon emission model based on life cycle. The authors found that: (1) carbon emissions from vehicles usage were up to about one-half of the total life cycle carbon emissions; (2) for buses, the fuel cycle was the main carbon source; and, for cars, using parking facilities was the main source of carbon emissions; and (3) factors affecting the commuter carbon emissions were travel distance, travel mode, age and high degree of education (Masters or PhD).