특별교통수단 효율성 제고를 위한 준특별교통수단 적정비율 산정 연구

In Korea, Due to THE MOBILITY ENHANCEMENT FOR THE MOBILITY IMPAIRED ACT, Local governments have focused on mobility right of the handicapped. They should operate a STS per 200 heavy disabled persons by law. In addition, wheelchair carrying system should be installed in the STS Vehicle. Although many local governments need more STS vehicles, it is difficult to support enough mobility services due to the lack of budget. In case of Gyeongsangnamdo(Gyeongnam), though it has STS cars more than what the law ordains, the handicapped have required more STS vehicles to local government. This article reveals the reasonable Sub-STS(STS for non-wheelchair user) ratio as well as the comparison of STS operating systems among Busan-Ulsan-Gyeongnam. And then using the proportion, calculated the consequences how much the traffic volume of the handicapped will be increasing and the budget will be saved. The results could be a significant and useful data for STS policies of many local governments to improve the mobility efficiency of the handicapped.