Interplay of ion binding and attraction in DNA condensed by multivalent cations

We have measured forces generated by multivalent cation-induced DNA condensation using single-molecule magnetic tweezers. In the presence of cobalt hexammine, spermidine, or spermine, stretched DNA exhibits an abrupt configurational change from extended to condensed. This occurs at a well-defined condensation force that is nearly equal to the condensation free energy per unit length. The multivalent cation concentration dependence for this condensation force gives the apparent number of multivalent cations that bind DNA upon condensation. The measurements show that the lower critical concentration for cobalt hexammine as compared to spermidine is due to a difference in ion binding, not a difference in the electrostatic energy of the condensed state as previously thought. We also show that the resolubilization of condensed DNA can be described using a traditional Manning–Oosawa cation adsorption model, provided that cation–anion pairing at high electrolyte concentrations is taken into account. Neither overcharging nor significant alterations in the condensed state are required to describe the resolubilization of condensed DNA. The same model also describes the spermidine3+/Na+ phase diagram measured previously.

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