The satiric eye : forms of satire in the romantic period
Preface: Casting a Satiric Eye on the Romantic Period S.E.Jones Authorizing The Baviad: William Gifford and The Satires of Juvenal M.Gamer The Design of Jane Taylor's Essays in Rhyme, on Morals and Manners S.Curran Satire and the Ecological Education in Northanger Abbey K.Kroeber Wordsworth in the Nursery: the Parodic School of Criticism N.Trott Intercepted Letters, Hidden Transcripts: Moore's Twopenny Postbag and Fudge Family in Paris G.Dyer The Council of Dogs and The Lobster's Voyage to the Brazils or, How to Become a Political Animal D.Ruwe Verbal Jujitsu: William Hone and The Tactics of Satirical Conflict K.Grimes J.R.D.Huggins, Satirist and Barber: the Satiric Language of Advertising J.Strachan The Satiric Element in the Slavery Debates: 1780-1832 M.Wood Seraglios and Raree Shows: Orientalism and Sexual Satire in Late Eighteenth Century Britain T.Fulford Harlequin Science: the Theatrical Satire of the English Pantomime M.Gaull