Attitude of the Youth towards Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) of HIV/AIDS in Accra, Ghana

Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) is a tool recommended for the reduction of the spread of HIV/AIDS. The study sought to find out the attitude of the youth towards voluntary counseling and testing of HIV/AIDS. The sample size was two hundred youth selected using purposive sampling. A structured interview guide was used in the collection of data from two youth groups and two fast food joints selected purposively in Accra. Data collected was hand coded, analyzed using the Statistical Package of Social Sciences (S.P.S.S.) and presented in the form of graphs and frequency distribution tables. The study revealed that most respondents had knowledge about HIV/AIDS and knew about its mode of transmission. Their main source of information was through the mass media. Majority of respondents knew they could check their serostatus mainly at the hospital but then only 37% had ever heard about VCT services. Out of this 37%, only 6% had actually been to a VCT centre. Two percent (2%) went there to visit a friend while 4% went to check their serostatus.  This suggests that the level of use of VCT services among the youth in Accra was relatively low. Fifty-eight percent (58%) of respondents indicated their preferred site for a VCT centre was the hospital.  Ninety – two percent (92%) of respondents were hesitant to go for HIV testing because of the fear of knowing they are HIV positive. They also suggested home kits for testing HIV/AIDS be introduced in Ghana to cater for confidentiality in identifying their serostatus. In conclusion, knowledge about HIV/AIDS among respondents was high but then most respondents were unaware of the availability of VCT services. They were also unwilling to access VCT services for fear of knowing their HIV status.  It is therefore being suggested that all stakeholders in the fight against HIV/AIDS intensify their information, education and communication (IE & C) activities to increase awareness and use of the service especially by the youth. Keywords: Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT), HIV/AIDs