Knowledge sharing motives and value co-creation behavior of the consumers in physiotherapy services: a cross-cultural study

Purpose: We investigate the role of consumers' (patients') motives in knowledge sharing and value co-creation with the service provider in the context of physiotherapy services. Design/methodology/approach: We perform Smart PLS-SEM analysis of the physiotherapy services users’ data from Germany and Pakistan. Findings: Our results show in both consumer groups individualizing, empowering, and development motives are common influences on the willingness to share knowledge leading to value co-creation. However, the relating, ethical, and concerted motives show varying influences in the data set. Research Implications: A key research implication relates to specifying the link between consumer knowledge sharing and value creation and the role of cultural factors in this context. It is one of the first studies to undertake a comparative analysis in this specific context by highlighting the changing role of consumers from collective and individualistic societies, in influencing service provision through participation in the service exchange. Practical Implications: For the managerial audience, our paper highlights the importance of being sensitive to cultural elements as they tend to influence personal knowledge sharing by the consumer, especially in the wellbeing sector, which ultimately influences the value cocreation. Originality: The current paper is one of the first studies (at least to our knowledge) focusing on the knowledge sharing motives of consumers in the specific context of physiotherapy services leading to value co-creation. Moreover, specific focus on individual consumer's motives and their role in comparative, cross-cultural settings, adds further value to the contribution of our study.

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