Contolled Potential Coulometry in Fused Lithium Chloride-Potassium Chloride Eutectic.

Analyses for Zn(II) and Cd(II) in the fused lithium chloride - potassium chloride eutectic at 450 deg C were performed by controlled potential coulometric stripping of the predeposited metal from a bismuth pool electrode, and Ni(II) was determined by controlled potential stripping of the predeposited metal from a platinum gauze electrode. Analyses were performed with an aecuracy and precision of plus or minus 1% in all cases. Mixtures of cadmium and zinc were analyzed with an accuracy of plus or minus 1% for each component by successive stripping of the metals at suitable potentials. This method was also applied to the determination of uranium in uranium- bismuth alloys. (auth)