Weight optimization for flexural reinforced concrete beams with static nonlinear response

The weight optimization of reinforced concrete (RC) beams with material nonlinear response is formulated as a general nonlinear optimization problem. Incremental finite element procedures are used to integrate the structural response analysis and design sensitivity analysis in a consistent manner. In the finite element discretization, the concrete is modelled by plane stress elements and steel reinforcement is modelled by discrete truss elements. The cross-sectional areas of the steel and the thickness of the concrete are chosen as design variables, and design constraints can include the displacement, stress and sizing constraints. The objective function is the weight of the RC beams. The optimal design is performed by using the sequential linear programming algorithm for the changing process of design variables, and the gradient projection method for the calculations of the search direction. Three example problems are considered. The first two are demonstrated to show the stability and accuracy of the approaches by comparing previous results for truss and plane stress elements, separately. The last one is an example of an RC beam. Comparative cost objective functions are presented to prove the validity of the approach.

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