Integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: Issues, Reflections, and Ways Forward. Teaching and Learning in Science Series.

1. Exploring curriculum integration: Why integrate? Leonie Rennie, John Wallace, and Grady Venville 2. Focus on learning: Building rockets and submarines at Leaside High School Fiona Budgen 3. Focus on problem-solving: Modeling an ice hockey rink at Greenwich Public School Sheryl MacMath 4. Focus on engineering: Bridge building at Southern High School Grady Venville 5. Focus on literacy: Linking language and horticulture at Seaview Community School Susan Joan Gribble and Leonie Rennie 6. Focus on reinforcement: Exploring electricity and energy use at Beachville High School Sheryl MacMath 7. Focus on focus: Making and marketing a toy at Rinkview Public School John Wallace 8. Focus on teacher support: Considering access for the disabled at Gosport Community School Rachel Sheffield 9. Focus on leadership: Constructing a model house at Mossburn School Rachel Sheffield 10. Focus on community: Learning about tiger snakes at Chelsea Elementary School Rekha B. Koul and Rosemary Sian Evans 11. Focus on values: Investigating water quality in a local lake at Kentish Middle School Grady Venville 12. Reflecting on curriculum integration: Seeking balance and connection through a Worldly Perspective Leonie Rennie, Grady Venville, and John Wallace