The Climate4Wood project : a methodology for the assessment of relevant criteria to predict the behaviour of decorated oak wooden panels
The Climate4Wood project aims at identifying the effects of climate fluctuations, i.e. temperat
ure and
relative humidity fluctuations, on damage resistance of museum collections. The results will be used to
formulate reliable standards for climate fluctuations in sustainable museological environments. By
means of a museum
, modelling
and experimental
study climate related damage of decorated
wooden panels in furniture and paintings is addressed from a combined conservation and engineering
In this research project the overall goal is to couple data obtained
from a museum study,
mechanical modelling study,
in -situ studies
experimental work to study the acceptable relative
humidity and temperature fluctuation
s for susceptible decorated oak wooden panels
. All three studies
complement each other and the r
esults of one study w
ill be used as i
nput or validation of the others
This p
the methodology for
the assessment of relevant criteria to
t the
d state of oak
. These
are the guiding themes within the
three studies.
They have been determined based on a systematic analysis of
decorated oak wooden panels
, referred
to as the museum study
. The museum study
performed in the Rijksmuseum collection on two
groups of Dutch decorated wooden panels: doors from cabinets and Dutch 17
century panel paintings,
70 furniture panels
and 251
panel paintings.
The results from the museum study show that
shrinkage and failing joints are the most common types of damage registered on decorated wooden
panels, and the weakest p
oint of the objects are the glue joints between the different members of the
panel, this includes glue joints in the parallel as well as perpendicular wood grain direction. The
complexity of the structure is of great importance for the understanding of the
object’s failure criteria
and should therefore be considered
The focus on this presentation will be on the result of the panel paintings survey
and how it serves
an input for the modelling and experimental studies
to be
numerically and experimentall
y analysed.