Ears drive hands. Sonification of liquid effects induced by aquatic space activities contributes to cognitive representation

INTRODUCTION; Aquatic Space Activities (ASA) as a s elf-induced cyclic motion in water, induces pressure changes, resulting in buoyancy and momentu changes of water mass while the surrounding is resisting the motion which is controlled by cogn itive act of information transformation performed by a behavior directing system under the condition of limited energy reservoirs. Instructors often report that novices executing ASA, including head-a bove-water, get exhausted quickly. One reason might be that the water motion is perceived imprope ly and e.g. a tapping like motion is executed to forcefully. However, the communication is difficult about what is appropriate. Optimal ASA behavior demands polymodal sensory integration and there are som hints that the auditory information is an essential channel (Effenberg, 2005). Listening to t he water motion induced by hand-water-interaction is possible using sonification, which is a means to transfer any non-acoustic signal to sound (Herman et. al., 2012). Although the neurobiological mechan isms that mediate the behavioral effects of corresponding auditory effect stimuli are still unk nown, sonification might have a potential to enhanc e the accuracy of existing motion perception as well as motor control. This may aid the person with no talent for feel of water to execute ASA properly, w hen e.g. advised to swim. Via real time sonificatio n movement perception can be enhanced in terms of tem poral precision and multi-channel integration. Resulting movement sounds contain structural analog ies to visual and proprioceptive percepts enhancing audio-proprioceptive integration and enab li g the tuning of the multimodal perception. The goal, here, is to introduce the setup of real time measuring pressure changes and sound production while executing ASA.