A multi-phase blending method with incremental intensity for training detection networks

Object detection is an important topic for visual data processing in the visual computing area. Although a number of approaches have been studied, it still remains a challenge. There is a suitable way to promote image classifiers by blending training with blended images and corresponding blended labels. However, our experiments show that directly moving existing blending methods from classification to object detection will cause the training process become harder and eventually will lead to a bad performance. Inspired by our discovery, this paper presents a multi-phase blending method with incremental blending intensity to improve the accuracy of object detectors and achieve remarkable improvements. Firstly, to adapt blending method to detection task, we propose a smoothly scheduled and incremental blending intensity to control the degree of multi-phase blending. Based on the above dynamic coefficient, we propose an incremental blending method, in which the blending intensity is smoothly increased from zero to full. Therefore, more complex and various data can be created to achieve the goal of regularizing the network. Secondly, we also design an incremental hybrid loss function to replace the original loss function. The blending intensity in our loss function increases smoothly, which is controlled by our scheduled coefficient. Thirdly, we further discard more negative examples in our multi-phase training process than other typical training methods and processes. By doing so, we can regularize the neural network to enhance generalization capability with data diversity and eventually to improve the accuracy in object detection. Another advantage is that there is no negative effect on evaluation because our method is just applied during the training process. Typical experiments show the proposed method improves the generalization of the detection networks. On PASCAL VOC and MS COCO, our method outperforms the state-of-the-art RFBNet of one-stage detectors for real-time processing.

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