Report on Allied Contributions to the Common Defense
Abstract : Contents--Introduction and Overview: Purpose, What is Burdensharing?, Recent Developments, The Question of Fair Share, Political Aspects, Quantitative Measures; Comparison of Selected Indicators of Burdensharing: Major Findings of the Analysis, Description of Burdensharing Measures in Tables II-1 and II-2, Indicators of Ability to Contribute, Indicators of Contribution, Burdensharing Measures and Performance, Total Defense Spending, Percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Allocated to Defense, Total Active-Duty Military and Civilian Manpower, Total Active-Duty Military and Civilian Manpower and Committed Reserves, Defense Manpower as a Percentage of Population, Output-Oriented Indicators(Ground, Naval and Air Forces), Ground Forces, Naval Forces Tonnage, Air Force Tactical Combat Aircraft, Allied Performance in Achieving NATO's Three Percent Real Growth Goal; Efforts to Eliminate Disparities and Improve Allied Performance: Burdensharing and NATO Defense Planning, Nuclear Planning Group, Commonly-Funded Programs, Jointly-Funded Programs, Armaments Cooperation, Information Program, Burdensharing and the NATO Military Authorities, Civil Emergency Planning, Host Nation Support Arrangement, Peacetime Host Nation Support, Wartime Host Nation Support, Japanese Performance Toward Achieving Self-Defense (Including Sea-Lanes to 1,000 Miles).