This article presents a comparative analysis of the performance in formal and informal areas that deal with solid waste in Brazil. The article demonstrates that there has been significant progress in areas related to recycling and that this progress has been based mainly on informality and on the precarious labour conditions for the pickers of recyclable materials. The article also focuses on the problems found in the model for waste recovery that is being implemented in Brazil and that is based on allocation of precarious waste recovery facilities; this model has mostly small operational capabilities even in large municipalities. These problems are discussed in contrast to the great challenges imposed by the new legal framework of the country. Finally, the article proposes a categorisation of the technological models of material recovery facilities (MRFs) based on their degree of automation and nominal capacities in a manner similar to that used worldwide for incineration plants.
D. Kriebel,et al.
Minor psychiatric disorders among Brazilian ragpickers: a cross-sectional study
Environmental health : a global access science source.
A. Bosi.
A organização capitalista do trabalho "informal": o caso dos catadores de recicláveis
David C. Wilson,et al.
Solid Waste management in the World's Cities
Brasil. Ministério da Integração Nacional. Ministério do M Ambiente,et al.
Vamos Cuidar do Brasil. 4ª Conferência Nacional do Meio Ambiente: Resíduos Sólidos
Heliana Kátia Tavares Campos.
Renda e evolução da geração per capita de resíduos sólidos no Brasil
M. Franco,et al.
Profissão perigo: percepção de risco à saúde entre os catadores do Lixão do Jangurussu