Demonstration of Real-Time Physiological Status Monitoring of Encapsulated 1st Civil Support Team - Weapons of Mass Destruction (CST-WMD) Personnel

Abstract : Civil Support Teams Weapons of Mass Destruction (CST-WMD) have a requirement for a medical monitoring telemetry system. This study demonstrated the Warfighter Physiological Status Monitoring (WPSM) system's capability in meeting those needs during a typical training exercise. CST-WMD Soldiers (n= 12) volunteered for this study. The Vital Sign Detection System (VSDS) and hub were worn during 2 days of training. Remote monitoring took place with data transmitted to a base station laptop. Data was obtained every 15s. Mean data loss = 1.1 1.4%; 5% in the worst case. Most data were within physiologically reasonable bounds (98.7%). Respiration rate data was more variable and appeared to be less valid due to a firmware error. The VSDS met the needs of CST-WMD for missions lasting 8 hours). The graphical user interface (GUI) was adequate for CST-WMD medical monitoring purposes. In summary, currently WPSM system combined with commercial off-the-shelf radios met the CST-WMD medical monitoring needs.